
Women-Led Green Economy as Climate Activism

Women’s organized groups and community organisations in Guinea-Bissau are combating climate change by changing the way they harvest and cook meals.

Guinea-Bissau is a small nation rich in biodiversity, woodlands, waterways, bays, and islands, with the majority of its inhabitants surviving solely on land and water.

Rural women in this area generally have extensive farming expertise and are responsible for a wide range of foods and crops. This variety is critical for adapting to climate change.

Crop diversification helps to manage risks and increases a farmer’s chances of harvesting despite rising temperatures, periods of drought, saline intrusion, and increasingly destructive cyclones in a fast changing planet.

These ladies launched the modification of a large fish smoker in Djabada Porto, a village in the Quinara area, allowing the women’s group to cook more than 500 kg of fish every month.

This smoker consumes just 20% of the firewood that is normally used, resulting in far less trees being chopped down as well as less strain on the women who gather timber.

Women farmers, on the other hand, play the function of seed savers as well. That means they safeguard great agricultural variety in this area, including more than 20 grain types.

The group also revealed a rice processing facility outfitted with a technology that automatically de-husks rice, preparing it for sale and consumption. This significantly decreases the amount of time and effort women use handling rice.

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