About Us
For years, Equality Today has collaborated with bold activists and groups throughout the world to promote peace, justice, and equality.
We believe in a solidarity mindset for our global cooperation. Furthermore, our projects are primarily concerned with key global issues: food independence, gender equality, freedom and democracy, economic equality, well-being, and migrants.
We are committed to empowering people all over the world to take ownership of their own growth and declare their own authority. By assisting our …
Work by Issue
Gender Injustice and Oppression on Women
Women’s rights and sex discrimination are our focus areas, which are integrated in all of Equality Today’s activity and strategic analyses.
Food Independence and Sovereignty
The purpose of food independence and sovereignty is to reform the food supply chain into one that is sustainable, equitable, and in which everyone share decision-making authority.
Democracy and Political Stability
Citizens’ organizations all throughout the world are encouraging wider engagement in the democratic process.
Migrants and Refugees
Numerous individuals and groups on the street are refugees and institutionally displaced people who have been uprooted by conflict and tragedy.
Healthcare and Well-being
Health is an essential component of both social justice and humanity in general. W
Justice in Economics
Unethical business policies, domestic subsidizing schemes, and an uncontrolled resource exploitation sector destroy local industries, on which millions of people rely for a living.
Get Involved
Equality Today values all forms of contributions, not just financial donations. There are opportunities for everybody to become immersed in the cause, whether you prefer to contribute from home or go out to ones community.